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Will Herniated Disc Treatments Make You Well Enough to Return to Work?

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A herniated disc is one cause of extreme back pain which may be so severe that sufferers are virtually bedridden, or reliant on strong prescription medication to be able to function at all. Many people with this kind of severe pain are simply unable to work due to both their pain and limited mobility. In […]

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Bipolar Symptoms that Demonstrate Severe Cases

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Everyone has their ups and downs, our “on” and “off” days. But for a person who suffers from Bipolar Disorder, these ups and downs and ons and offs are very severe. It affects your job performance, school studies, relationships and completely disrupts your daily life. Bipolar disorder can  come in many levels and some cases […]

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How Obesity Can Make Someone Disabled

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Recent research now states that obesity can constitute a disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act.  This has been quite a controversial issue, and to say that progress has been made in cases with people who are obese regarding disability is an understatement. The EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) states that a person who is […]

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Herniated Discs Can Become a Disabling Medical Condition

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A person who suffers from a herniated disc that prevents them from working may be eligible for Social Security disability benefits.  If the back pain is so severe that it becomes a disabling medical condition that would inhibit one’s ability to work for a year or more then they may be able to get benefits […]

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Disabling Condition: Hypertension

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Hypertension (or high blood pressure) is no longer a listed impairment but if it leads to a stroke, it can be evaluated under the neurological disorders. HBP/HTN Are you taking medications? If not under control, why not? Symptoms of high blood pressure (chest pain, confusion, ear noise or buzzing, irregular heartbeat, nosebleed, tiredness, vision changes, […]

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Disabling Condition: Hematological Disorders

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Hermatological Disorders include the following conditions: chronic thrombocytomenia, myelofibrosis, hereditary telangiectasia, coagulation defects, polycythemia vera, aplastic anemias with bone marrow or stem cell transplantation. Blood Have you had lab work and how often? Have you had transfusions? Do you take iron supplements for anemia?  If so, why hasn’t that improved your condition? Our blood circulates […]

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Disabling Condition: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Social Security does not list Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) but when severe, it is similar to MS and can be just as disabling. Do you have short-term memory loss? Do you experience a flu-like condition which doesn’t resolve, i.e. sore throat, tender cervical or axillary lymph nodes, muscle pain, multi-joint pain without joint swelling or […]

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Disabling Condition: Skin Disorders

Conditions covered include ichthyosis, bullous disease, chronic infections of the skin or mucous membranes, dermatitis, hidradenitis suppurativa, burns. Skin Do you have skin lesions on your body (which do not respond to treatment)? If so, where? Do you have skin lesions that flare, i.e. not all the time but episodically?  If so, what is the […]

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