Disabling Condition: Skin Disorders

Conditions covered include ichthyosis, bullous disease, chronic infections of the skin or mucous membranes, dermatitis, hidradenitis suppurativa, burns.


  1. Do you have skin lesions on your body (which do not respond to treatment)? If so, where?
  2. Do you have skin lesions that flare, i.e. not all the time but episodically?  If so, what is the duration and frequency of flare ups?
  3. Are these skin lesions painful, swell and/or require you to modify your dress and/or apparel?

Our skin is our largest organ, separating us from the outside world and protecting us from bacteria, viruses and extremes in weather. However, this protective coating can itself become diseased or damaged by these same elements.  Many skin disorders are episodic or recurring due to unavoidable exposure.  Social Security will look at the frequency of lesions, outbreaks or flares to determine severity, but does not define how frequently the episodes need to be documented.

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