Category Archives: Social Security Hearings

Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) Frye Discusses Problems with Disability Program

“Don’t blame the judges!”  This is the message from ALJ Frye, the president of the powerful Social Security judge union.  The judge’s are under pressure by recent press stories that make it sound like there is a big spike in … Continue reading

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Social Security Hearings and The Exhibit List

By the time you arrive at your Social Security hearing there has been considerable amount of behind-the-scenes development of your case and your file in particular. Along the way, all the major documents that are important to your case will … Continue reading

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Losing Your Social Security Disability Hearing

If your application for benefits was denied after your hearing, don’t lose hope!  The judge does not have the final say in your case, and just because one judge decided you aren’t disabled doesn’t mean you can’t win if you … Continue reading

Posted in Appealing a SS Decision, Filing Initial Application, Social Security Hearings, Why People Are Denied | Comments Off on Losing Your Social Security Disability Hearing

What to Do if You are Not Satisfied with your Current Disability Representation

The key to any working relationship is communication.  If you are not satisfied with your disability attorney it is best to tell them your concerns before hiring someone else to represent you.  Your attorney might be able to fix the … Continue reading

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