Category Archives: Medical Evidence

Make Sure your Doctor Really Does Support your SSD or SSI Disability Case

When making a decision to file either an SSD or SSI case, it is very important to have a doctor that supports what you are trying to do.  Having a doctor that truly believes that you are disabled because of … Continue reading

Posted in Filing Initial Application, Medical Evidence, Social Security Hearings, The Listings (Step 3), Your Limitations | Comments Off on Make Sure your Doctor Really Does Support your SSD or SSI Disability Case

Should You Discontinue Medical Treatment if your Primary Doctor has Released you from Care?

It is not a good idea to discontinue treatment.  In fact, discontinuing medical treatment may prevent you from getting your benefits. If your doctor releases you from care and you feel that you still need ongoing medical treatment, it is … Continue reading

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Will my Disability Attorney or Representative Complete my Paperwork for Me?

Your disability attorney should make sure that your appeals are filed on time and that all the paperwork needed to process your claim is filed.  However, some of the paperwork for a disability claim cannot be completed without input from … Continue reading

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Intellectual Disabilities Covered by Social Security Disability

An individual who suffers from an intellectual disability may qualify for a Social Security disability payment. The first step in the process of qualifying for a Social Security disability payment is to file a claim (which can be done online, … Continue reading

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