Category Archives: Malignant Cancer

Breast Cancer and Social Security Disability Benefits

The diagnosis can be frightening.  The fear can be paralyzing.  The questions and the decisions to be made can be overwhelming.  But once you get over the initial shock of hearing the words “breast cancer”, your mind will kick into … Continue reading

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Prostate Cancer Can Become a Disabling Condition

Prostate cancer is one of the most commonly seen malignant cancers in men. More than 189,000 cases are reported annually in the U.S. alone and it is recognized as the second leading cause of cancer death in American people. In … Continue reading

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Alternative Therapies Helping Many with Cancer

More news coming out that shows many cancer patients are adding alternative therapies to the list of treatments they are receiving to combat their cancer.  Most are not using the alternative methods as their primary treatment, but rather as a … Continue reading

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Cancer Support Groups Keep You Informed

Cancer support groups provide excellent opportunity to share your thoughts with others going through similar experiences. The sociological structure of these cancer support groups is similar to other kinds of support groups. Cancer is a common cause of disability and … Continue reading

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