Disabling Condition: Genitourinary Problems

Genitourinary conditions  include chronic renal (kidney) disease (chronic glomerulnephritis, hypertensive renal vascular disease, diabetic nephropathy, chronic obstructive uropathy, and hereditary nephropathies) nephritic syndrome.


  1. Do you have a shunt or are you going to be on dialysis?
  2. If your kidney is malfunctioning, have you had these symptoms:  fluid buildup in your stomach, swelling fatigue, shortness of breath, hypertension, heart failure, nerve damage, weak/soft/thinning bones, excess protein in your urine?

This body system is also called the excretory system because the organs involved (kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra) filter out (excrete) waste, toxins and excess water from our blood.  When this internal plumbing system is not functioning properly, an overload of these substances can accumulate in the body resulting in swelling and eventual damage (weak bones, neuropathy, and loss of lung capacity).  When the kidney fails and dialysis (an artificial replacement for lost kidney function) is the only option, Social Security will consider the condition disabling.

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