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Is it OK to Work while Receiving Social Security Disability?

While it is best for your case that you are not working at all during the application process, this is sometimes impossible due to your financial obligations.  Working does not necessarily cause you to either lose a social security disability case or cause you to lose benefits you may already be receiving, as long as […]

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When Are Social Security Disability Benefits Taxable?

When a person is approved for Social Security disability benefits, they could be liable for taxes. They can find themselves with tax obligations if they have other sources of income over and above their disability payment. If their spouse earns a larger income, that too can cause additional taxation. It is important that people who […]

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You Can Apply for Social Security Disability Benefits Online

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It easy to apply for disability benefits online through the Social Security Administration (SSA) website. The process is different for adults and for children. It may take time to collect all the information you need to apply for disability benefits. Because you may lose benefits if you hold your application until you have all the […]

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Having a Friend Represent You at Your Disability Hearing is a Mistake

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You know more than anyone how important your disability case is for you and your family.  You are trying to replace your income with a disability check because you can no longer work due to your medical problems.  Your ability to take care of yourself and your family is in large part tied to the […]

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What Are the Social Security “Listings”?

The listings are rules that apply to specific medical conditions.  They direct a finding of “disabled”, meaning that Social Security must award disability benefits when the evidence shows the claimant has all of the necessary parts of a listing. The listings are meant to cover a wide range of physical and mental disorders.  For example, […]

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Tips for your Social Security Disability or SSI Hearing

Dress and Attire Social Security disability hearings are less formal than other legal proceedings.  The hearings are held in a small room with at most a handful of people in the room.  Still, it’s important that you wear proper attire to show respect for the judge and the administrative process. You should not wear shorts, […]

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Can you be Awarded Social Security Disability Benefits if you have Ever Used Drugs or Alcohol?

Yes, it is still possible to receive social security disability benefits if you have used illegal drugs or alcohol.  The use of drugs and alcohol is definitely a factor that the state agency and an Administrative Law Judge will consider when deciding your case, but a claim will not be precluded based solely on a […]

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Does a Disability Attorney have to File my Appeal with the Appeals Court?

No.  You can appeal to the Appeals Council on your own.  However, it can be more difficult to win at the Appeals Council without an attorney, and if you lose the consequences for your disability claim could be drastic . Appealing to the Appeals Council is a much different process than having a hearing with […]

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