Low Back Pain is a Common Complaint & Disabling Impairment

cervical neck X-rayThis news confirms something that disabled Americans are well familiar with.  Musculoskeletal injuries and impairments are one of the leading causes of disability.  Within that category of impairments spinal pain is at the top of the list.  Severe lumbar or low back pain is a very common reason why a person is no longer able to work.

Lower back pain is among most common complaints | FYI BeHealthy

“Second to the common cold, back pain is the most prevalent affliction of man. Back pain is the most frequent cause of activity limitation in people under the age of 45 and the second most frequent reason for physician visits. A broad spectrum of …FYI BeHealthy”

If back pain is severe enough that it keeps a person from being able to work they may be disabled.  The Social Security Disability program pays a monthly cash benefit to disabled workers, and also offers government health insurance benefits to help folks get well.

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