A statement from your doctor may be one of the most helpful tools to use when trying to win your SSD and SSI case. Judges look at these forms in a particularly favorable light if the written statement details what limitations your condition is causing you. A short paragraph on the subject will not be enough so your attorney will typically request that your doctor fill out and sign what is called an RFC (residual functional capacity) form. This is a form that discusses what your doctor feels you are capable of doing and what limitations you have because of your illness.
There are several RFC forms that may used in your case. Some are more general particularly those for some physical and mental conditions. Others are more specific which range from Diabetes RFCs that show diabetes related limitations to those imposed by cardiac conditions and even asthma. Your attorney will advise you of which RFC forms will be needed in your case.
In general however, these forms will cover issues like postural limitations such as sitting, standing, walking, and kneeling to manipulative limitations such as handling, and grasping. A limitation on the amount of pounds you can lift is all important. Other limitations such as environmental exposures or exposures to chemicals or dangerous activities should also be addressed. All in all, this will give the judge a better understanding of what you are capable of doing or what limitations you may have that prevent you from working which will in turn increase your chances of getting awarded.