Monthly Archives: March 2011

Cancer Diagnoses That Can Lead to Disability Benefits

A person who is diagnosed with a form of cancer often has to go through a significant physical and psychological ordeal. Furthermore, the news that he or she will no longer be able to work because of their medical problems … Continue reading

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Losing Your Social Security Disability Hearing

If your application for benefits was denied after your hearing, don’t lose hope!  The judge does not have the final say in your case, and just because one judge decided you aren’t disabled doesn’t mean you can’t win if you … Continue reading

Posted in Appealing a SS Decision, Filing Initial Application, Social Security Hearings, Why People Are Denied | Comments Off on Losing Your Social Security Disability Hearing

Does a Disability Attorney have to File my Appeal with the Appeals Court?

No.  You can appeal to the Appeals Council on your own.  However, it can be more difficult to win at the Appeals Council without an attorney, and if you lose the consequences for your disability claim could be drastic . … Continue reading

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