Approximately 30 Million Americans suffer from migraine headaches. For some people this is a rare occurrence which may occur once or twice a year. For others, migraines are severe enough that they limit people from going about their daily lives. Severe and frequent migraines can be a disabling condition.
Migraines may be at a disabling level when they stop a person from going to work, doing their shopping, and other basic activities of daily living. It is estimated that each year migraine headaches result in 113 million lost work days and cost 13 billion dollars in productivity.
Regular Headaches vs. Severe Migraine Headaches
Everyone suffers a headache now and then. While a headache is an unpleasant throbbing or ache which most people are able to work through, a migraine is a severe and overwhelming attack. Most people are not able to go to work when suffering a migraine attack, in fact most can’t even leave their bedroom. If a migraine occurred while at work, most people would need a long break, or possibly even have to go home for the rest of the day.
A migraine is described as an extremely painful and intense throbbing sensation that occurs in the temples, forehead or other localized area of the head. It may or may not be accompanied by headaches or pain in different parts of the body. When a person is suffering from a migraine attack they may also suffer from nausea, diarrhea, cold hands and feet, and extreme sensitivity to noise and sunlight. An attack can last anywhere from 2 to 72 hours.
When a migraine attack is finished, many sufferers will still feel ill for up to the next 24 hours. Aftereffects of a migraine include dizziness, headaches, nausea, fatigue and sensitivity to light (photophobia). Severe migraines can become a disabling condition if they cause someone to miss too much work.
Filing for Disability Due to Migraines
When migraine headaches stop people from being able to go to work often enough that they lose their job, or that they leave work because they can’t keep a job, they should consider filing for Social Security Disability benefits. Although there is not a specific listing in the Social Security listings of impairments that covers migraines, there are many people suffering from the condition that have been awarded benefits.
Those that have been awarded disability benefits have usually done a good job proving that despite many attempts at treatment, their condition has stopped them from being able to work or sustain competitive employment. A firm medical record showing consistent treatment, and even a personal migraine diary, can both be part of proving your case.