Am I Eligible for Social Security Disability Insurance (DIB) Coverage?

To receive Social Security Disability insurance benefits (DIB), you must have a medical impairment that is expected to last at least twelve months or result in death.  Social Security does not pay partial benefits or a percentage according to the degree of your disability.  To be eligible for DIB, you must fulfill the requirements of two tests.

The first test is the “recent work test” which depends on your age at the time you became disabled.  This rule depends on the calendar quarter of your birthday based on three different age groups.  The year is broken up into four quarters consisting of three months each:  January 1 through March 31; April 1 through June 30; July 1 through September 30; and October 1 through December 31.

If you become disabled before you turn 24 years of age, you need 1 ½ years of work during the three-year period ending with the quarter your disability began.  After you turn 24 years of age, but before age 31 you must work during half the time for the period beginning with the quarter after you turned 21 and ending with the quarter you became disabled.  If you are over 31 years of age, you need to have worked at least five years out of the ten year period ending with the quarter your disability commenced.  Clearly this can become complicated very quickly.  It is best that you hire an attorney to help you understand this complex test as well as the other aspects of the application process.

The second test is the “duration of work test”.  This test checks to see if you have worked long enough to qualify under Social Security rules.  For an easy view of this test, refer to the table below from the Social Security administration’s website:

If you become disabled… Then you generally need:
Before age 28 1.5 years of work
Age 30 2 years
Age 34 3 years
Age 38 4 years
Age 42 5 years
Age 44 5.5 years
Age 46 6 years
Age 48 6.5 years
Age 50 7 years
Age 52 7.5 years
Age 54 8 years
Age 56 8.5 years
Age 58 9 years
Age 60 9.5 years
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