Category Archives: Mental Conditions

Causes, Symptoms and Treatment for Anxiety

Almost 4 million Americans suffer from some sort of anxiety disorder and finding the right treatment for anxiety is not always easy. The most common disorder is the generalized anxiety disorder, commonly referred to as GAD. Like the term implies, … Continue reading

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Schizophrenia and Social Security Disability Benefits

If you or someone close to you has been diagnosed with Schizophrenia you should know that people with schizophrenia may be eligible for Social Security Disability and/or and SSI benefits. The eligibility process is a complicated one, and not everyone … Continue reading

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Schizophrenia Symptoms & Treatment Options

Up to one percent of the worldwide population is affected by schizophrenia. For most, the symptoms will begin to show in the late teens to early twenties, however for others they can appear later in life. This mental illness occurs … Continue reading

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Filing for Disability While Living with Schizophrenia

Many people who suffer from schizophrenia will not be able to maintain full time work, and for this reason will need financial support. People who are diagnosed with schizophrenia may be eligible for SSDI and SSI benefits, however to get … Continue reading

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