Ways That Counseling Can Help With Your Diabetes

Diabetes is one of the most dreadful diseases known to man.  Although all three types of diabetes are treatable, Type 1 and Type 2 are incurable.  In the most severe cases, patients can go into renal failure, develop heart disease, lose their sight, and have retinal and/or nerve damage.  It’s also not uncommon to develop gangrene which can lead to multiple amputations. Who wouldn’t need counseling and education for an illness with such great magnitude?

There are 3 main types of diabetes:

Diabetes Type 1 – No insulin is produced at all.
Diabetes Type 2 – You don’t have enough insulin, or it doesn’t work properly.
Gestational Diabetes – Diabetes that develops only during pregnancy.

Counseling for patients who have diabetes can have a huge impact on their overall well-being on a long term basis.  Lifestyle counseling should be incorporated into the treatment plan  for anyone with diabetes.  Everyone facing a life changing illness needs to be educated about the seriousness of the disease and what the patient must do to have a longer, healthier life.

Good nutrition is absolutely necessary in managing diabetes.  Controlling your diet and faithfully taking your medicine, along with exercise can decrease blood sugar and prevent or delay serious complications.  A diabetes diet is not that much different from any other healthy well balanced diet; it includes lean protein, whole grain carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables, and portion control.

Any patient is going to be overwhelmed initially when diagnosed with a new illness.  The dieticians will thoroughly cover how what you eat affects your blood sugar levels over time.  Incorporating healthy snacks, planning ahead for when you’re away from home, and learning how to read nutrition labels is important to keep the patient feeling healthy and well.

From a mental standpoint, these are various support groups that offer group counseling.  It’s important for the patient to know that they are not alone. It’s helpful for many to be in a setting where people understand the same challenges and frustrations.  Ultimately, a much healthier way of living is optimal for everyone, whether you have diabetes or not.

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